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Litter Box....


Good Evening! I have two cats and 1 litter box. I've noticed that whenever the weather starts warming up, I start getting gnats in my litter box. I'm a flight attendant and am unable to clean the box out every day. When I am home, I do clean it out every day, but it still doesn't help when I leave. Do you have any suggestions on how to stop this?"

it may have nothing to do with the litter box oerse but it may be where you live or something outside that encourages gnats to your area.

I can only suggest that you think of getting one of those litter boxes with a top and a door, this way the litter wil smell less and perhaps reduce the attraction of the gnats.

You may also want to try a different litter type. There are many different types (see my web page here for more info /cat-litter.html ) a different sort may be better at covering any scent etc.

best wishes Kate