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my kitten hates being picked up!


I have just got a 7 week old kitten, but she doesn't like to be handled and is very nervous and just hides away in corners, although she can get playful at times and purrs when i stroke her.When i lift her (i have tried various ways of lifting her) she just cries and leaps out of my arms.why does my kitten not like to be cuddled?

Hi Sonia,

Some kittens are very nervous in the beginning. I have one that took me months of trying to handle her before she calmed down. She now is one of my most lovable cats. She will sit in my lap for hours and comes to me for lots of loving. But she still hates to be picked up. Keep on doing what you are doing. When she wants down let her go. Time will tell what she will be like. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen