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6 yr old cat wont come out from under bed


QUESTION: I just adopted a 6yr old cat that was formerly used for breeding.  The cat has been under bed almost all the time since adoption last Sunday night - 5 days.  He comes out at night to eat and use litter box but is showing no sign of emerging.  How long can it take for the cat to introduce himself to people?  The cat is healthy per vet visit prior to shipment. Thanks


If the cat has been cleared healthwise I wouldn't worry too much. Cats are not fans of change, let him get used to your environment on his own terms, curiousity will get the better of him. Don't allow anyone to pester him (ie: kids, nosey guests, etc). The other question that I have for you is, since this cat was used for breeding, do you know if he was housed in a home environment or in a kennel/cattery environment? If your new family member was housed in a cattery he will take some time to learn what being a part of a family is all about. Shipping a cat is extremely tough on them, animals are often carried in the baggage hold of trains and planes. The baggage hold is noisy, stuffy and there is no human reassurance. The main thing that I would suggest to help him overcome the trauma of his shipping is to try a Bach Flower Essence called Rescue Remedy. Add 6-8 drops of Rescue Remedy to fresh water daily. You should start to see a vast improvement in a fairly short amount of time. There are vet clinics who use Rescue Remedy as a first line of treatment for any trauma, it is a safe remedy that I routinely use on abused, traumatised cats. Rescue Remedy can usually be purchased at most natural health/health food stores. All of this having been said, if your kitty still refuses to come out in spite of peace, quiet and Rescue Remedy I would have him rechecked by your vet just to be sure that the stress of travel didn't cause an illness that you are not aware of. I hope that this answers your question and helps to alleviate some of your concerns. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me again.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Many thanks for your reply.  The cat was housed in a reputable cattery but the owner gave daily attention. We were told teh cat was ultra friendly.  He travelled by car for 6 months so I dont think that was issue.  Seems he is just traumatized by the change in his living environment.  How long can it take before cat comes up for air? I will try the Rescue Remedy.


He should come around soon, patience is the key. Allow him to come to you and between patient understanding and Rescue Remedy he should come around nicely within a fairly short time period. The time it will take depends largely on his personality and his bond with people. Hope that helps! If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me again.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks again - one last question.  How often should I add the drop of Rescue Remedy to his water bowl?  Once a day until he comes around and then stop? Note he probably only drinks once a day (or I should say night).


I would use the Rescue Remedy in his fresh water (change water daily) once a day until he seems really at ease and at home and then you can gradually wean him off of it. The dosage that I would start with is about 6 drops per day in fresh water...Hope that helps!