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Persian kitten pooping around house


My Persian kitten (9 months old) has begun to poop around the house and it has been getting slowly worse. First he was using the same spot every time and never using the litter box.  I added a second litter box and have tried out three different types of litter.  This didn't work either and now the poop will be anywhere from in the kitchen to the bed room and right in or around the litter box.  It seems like the poop is getting stuck and he is wiping it on any surface in the house when I am gone to get it off.  Last night it even ended up on his back.  This problem seems like it is behavioral and will happen when I am gone or in the other room and not looking.

I do have a second cat who is very controlling so this may be encouraging this behavior but I am stuck and so fed up that I am ready to give the cat to the SPCA.


well he may be having hard stools if it is getting stuck and he is having to wipe it off. he may need a little help to get his digestive system back into shape. please see my page here for more on this


As for breaking the habit. there is a method of litter training that can be used to get the cat out of the habit and back used to using only the litter tray. it does take a little while but i have many people who have tried this with success. the process is described on this page


best wishes Kate