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2 homes for a kitten


Hi Norman,

Could you help with this.  My ex wife has bought my son who is 13 a kitten and not surprisingly he has bonded with it.  I live about 1/2 mile away and my son is due to start living a week at a time alternately with both of us.
My question is whether it is possible for me to look after the kitten in my new place while my son is with me.  I would probably not let it out as it might wander off.
Any thoughts would be very welcome as it is a lot of stress to me and my son wondering if the kitten will be all right.

Best wishes,



I am sure you can make a suitable arrangement for your son and his kitten.  There are a couple things that would help.

The litter pan and litter, water dish, food dishes and food should be exactly the same in both abodes.  Some toys, bedding, etc. from his main home would be a welcome addition in the other home.

I would not let the kitten out under any circumstances as indoor only cats tend to live 4-6 times longer than outdoors or indoor/outdoor cats.

Since the kitten has bonded to your boy, this will be a big help.  If the kitten is very familiar with both homes, he should do fine.

I think you get the basic idea. The kitten may look at moving from one place to another as an adventure and enjoy the change as an adult.

Best regards... Norm.