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cat collar


Hi, my name is kate, my cat is two years old, but recently she started catching a lot of mice and this morning she caught a rat and brought it into my utility room, i was discusted so i have decided to maybe try get her a safe collar with a bell on it. but i know she will not be used to having a collar on. could you suggest any ways i could get my cat used to wearing a collar? i personally dont like collars but i dont like her hunting to the extent she is now.



Hi Kate!

Your cat is behaving perfectly normal, cats have an instinct to hunt.  I don't blame you though, I wouldn't like those "presents" either.  The only way to get her used to wearing a collar is to just put one on her. You really should put one of the "break away" type collars , though. These have a piece of stretchy stuff on them so that if your cat gets hung up on something, the collar will slip off.  I really doubt you will have much luck keeping a collar on her, especially if she goes outside. I know I'm not being much help here.  She is only doing what she naturally knows to do.  It will be almost impossible to stop her.  I would suggest that you may want to check her out before letting her in the house to make sure she doesn't have any "gifts" for you.  I dont' know if you realize it or not, but that is exactly what she is doing. She is proud of her catch, and bringing it to you is the highest compliment you can get! LOL  I know, I know, it's still yucky and I don't blame you one bit for not wanting rats brought into your house!!  But honestly, I really don't know what to tell you.  You could try the collar, maybe it will help!

God Bless!