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screaming 20 year old



Doing the Cat Walk
Hi, my cat's name is Maxwell and he will be 20 in April '09 and is a mixed breed that most resembles and acts like a Siamese. We have been together since 1989!
He is very healthy, happy and thinks he is not a day over 16!
Here is the problem:  As we all know, Siamese are very vocal creatures, but mine has gone over the edge.  Sometimes in the middle of the night (yes, I realize cats are nocturnal)he will begin to scream at the top of his lungs. It sounds like someone is trying to kill him, strangle him and then kill him again. At first, my husband and I thought he was just going overboard screaming bloody murder at the other cats in the neighborhood being in his yard. He can sometimes see one when he jumps into on the window ledge. Please note, we have only lived in this house for 2 years, and he has screamed like this almost every night.  The unbearable noise continues on for a short while - but the sound is unbelievable. Sometimes he will yell when he is walking our fence, we figure he is upset by the neighbor's animals... He would rarely yell like this before moving into this house.
I have spoken to the doc about this and she has no idea what is wrong, he has an almost clean bill of health for a 20 year old cat.
Does he scream out of pain we can't find?
Does he smell something before us that we can't smell?
Ghosts spooking him?
For solutions:
I close the blind so he can't get into the window at night.
I make sure he has plenty of fresh food and fresh water and even treats for midnight snacks. - he always has access to dry food, wet food, and water from 2 sources.
I even unwillingly sometimes keep the door closed so that it helps muffle the sound.
Have you heard of this?
Can I do anything to help him quiet down before my husband kills either me or him?


Maxwell is certainly a handsome fellow!!!!!  At age 20, he is geriatric and doing very well given that the normal life span for indoor cats is 12-15 years. You have done very well by him.

As a geriatric cat, some of his systems may be failing, but it would be difficult and very, very expensive to find out if that is the case.  Like people, older cats have old age problems.  However, cats are very stoical, so. if there is some pain or discomfort going on, it would be very difficult to ascertain. Yes I have heard of this kind of thing before, but mostly in deaf cats or cats that have gone deaf.

Clearly, he needs for nothing, so I will tell you what I would do (although I suspect you will not like the suggestion). Also, I will preface this by saying that I have never heard of any technique that will quiet down a very vocal cat. So, what I would suggest is to get two sets of the ear plugs like the ones used on airplanes for trans-oceanic flights.  They are very comfortable and do a good job of muffling almost all sound.  Any travel supply store should carry these.  You may be able to check with your local automobile club.  The ear plugs used in first class cabins are very, very soft and very comfortable. (This is a serious suggestion and not tongue in cheek.)

Good luck.

Best regards... Norm.