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cat pee


QUESTION: I was wondering was cat urine is dry is it transferable from object to another if touched. Was also wondering how to find urine once it is dry.

ANSWER: Melissa,

In my experience, the only way cat pee is transferable is if it is wet or something wet comes into contact with it. Cat pee is basically ammonia with some rather exotic additions.

Dried cat pee can be found using a "black light". Check out:

There are also excellent tips on removing cat urine stains and spots.  You can do a Google search on dried cat urine.

Best regards... Norm.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: So, you have had personal experience with this?


I have not personally used a "black light" to find cat pee, but I have seen it used on Animal Planet by Jackson Galaxy with excellent results.

I also know that you need an enzyme based product to get the pee stains and odors out of things like carpet and fabric, BUT, if there is enough build up, sometimes the best solution is new carpet or furniture. For example wood is especially hard to get those odors out.

As far as personally using products, I have had some good luck with OdorBan.

Best regards... Norm.