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Can hissing cause sore throat?


Hi Lisa,

We just introduced a 6 month old female kitten (being spayed on Friday) to our home with an 8 year old spayed female cat.  We kept them apart for the first few days, giving the kitten time to acclimate to her new surroundings.  Well, the first meeting went as we expected, lots of hissing, posturing and swatting by our 8 year old.  Things have gotten better, they actually touched noses yesterday.

But my question is, can the excessive hissing that the 8 year old is doing cause a sore throat and some congestion?  I have noticed recently that when she is purring, she has like little hiccups to clear her throat.  And a few coughing spells.  Should I make a trip to the vet or see how it goes?


it could be that the baby had a strain of upper respiratory infection that the 8yr old was not immune to and now she has a slight cold. a trip to the vet just to make sure thats NOT what it is would be in order. im glad to hear they are getting along better. in about a month the will be playing together as if they have always been friends.