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bully cats?


hi there ,
I have a 5/6 year old tom cat who has a great relationship with our labrador...thye hug, cuddle play and..apparently stick up for eachother. This is purley an observation...but over the last 2 years we (my family) have noticed other cats from the area (including an imposter cat who had the cheek to enter our home!!!) any way the eat his food (we leave it on the window sill because really he is not allowed inside the house) so he battles with birds aswell. but during the nightimes sometimes we hear a high pitch cry , painful and stressed cry that sets our lab (indoors) crazy and jumps and growls at the door to get out and find him ( tom..the cat)..when we find him ( the cat) he is stressed and tense and his eyes are dilated heavily..and then we see or hear 1 0r two cats scattering...the poor thing is he being tormented? do they bully him? i know its hard for you to answer but is it possible?...anyway i have some maller questions aswell now that i have time  to think...i also reckon this cat is hypnotized by the sound of can could be beans or tomatoe puree but since ear;y dyas of catfood in tins..we feed him dry food mainly now...he springs up out of no where...almost KNOWING its tuna or food of some sort! ha! sort of funny but strange :)


The plight of the outside cat is to have to get along with all the other cats in the neighborhood.  There is little you can do.  He has to fend for himself in the goings on at night.  The good news is that most cat fights are mostly noise and little real damage to either party.,  However, I would check him periodically for bites to make sure he has no abscesses.

Also, is he neutered?  If not, he might do better were he neutered.

I am sorry I cannot give you any better answer than this, but it really is like a jungle out there.

Best regards... Norm.