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my cats delivery


my name is shelby and my cat had one kitten thursday and had another one about 45 mins later but it died and i stayed up with her all night nothing and then i woke up this morning and she was haveing contrations but no kittens shes very sleepy had fever but eats and drinks and uses the bath room fine.
whats happening the vet told me she was going to die but i dont think she looks fine to me.

Hi Shelby, Did the vet talk to you on the phone?? or was it just a receptionist? I find it amazing to think a diagnosis is being made over the phone and that is something I try to avoid in my column. If your cat has a fever you should have her seen by a vet. there is no doubt about that. She may have a retained kitten or a retained placenta in her uterus that is going to make her very ill if it is not removed. It is basically 'rotting' inside of her for lack of a better explanation. So, yes, this can be very serious. At this point if she is still eating and drinking and caring for the other kitten she will be ok if you get this taken care of... BUT>>> if you leave it and the infection spreads through her body then it is really hard to treat her. So, DEFINITELY>> if your cat is feverish.. she needs to be seen by a vet. Teresa