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Strange New Play(?) Behaviour


Hello there! I'm the owner of a 'special needs' kitty with some mild Cerebellar Hypoplasia and oral lesions (she's almost toothless now). She has fairly recently begun a new behaviour while playing that, while not too disturbing, has been confusing to me.

Her favorite toys are milk rings. If I'm not within view of her, she will occasionally interrupt her play to pick up the ring and walk around with it, calling out fairly loudly (for her). Generally, she'll do this either until I call her and break the 'spell', or for several minutes before she apparently just tires of it. It's always done after a burst of 'hyper kitty', particularly if she's gotten the toy under something and extracted it (I'll hear her batting it around the crinkly paper I've left on the floor for her).

I don't think this is anything to *worry* about, but I'm wondering if you might be able to shine some light on what the heck is going on. Or if it's just because... well... Cat.


All cat play has to do with hunting behaviors or with affection for "siblings". In this case, she is obviously executing some kind of hunting behavior.  It is perfectly normal and nothing to worry about.

Much of cat behavior is still inexplicable to us. The best cat behaviorist I know of is Jackson Galaxy and his web site is a wealth of cat behavior information (much from videos from his TV program on Animal Planet: "My Cat from Hell"

I like your last sentence: "'s just because... well... Cat."

Best regards... Norm.