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About Ring Worms


I've made research about ring worms and their effects on animals especially domestic cats.
But I've got some questions.
Are there any other ringworm symptoms that cats can show beside dandruff and bald patches? Does ring worm mark has to be circular?
Thank you.

Hi Heda,

Most cats with ringworm are intensely itchy, so scratching is a common symptom.  The skin typically becomes thick and crusty, as well, and will often ooze in some areas.  

The rash usually begins in round patches, but it does not always have to be circular.  When the fungus becomes widespread, the rash can form any shape.

This can make diagnosing ringworm difficult.  A fur and skin culture should be done any time a cat is suffering skin problems of a questionable nature.  Allergic skin reactions, bacterial and fungal infections, mites and auto-immune disease can all produce similar looking skin irritations, and a culture is the best way to diagnose the fungal infection, ringworm.

Good luck!
