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cat traumatized


My 7 year old male cat had a sore and had to have a small area on his side shaved and the area cleaned. He is now on antibiotics twice a day. He does not use a litter box. He is a in door outdoor cat. He always lets us know when he needs to go. He has NEVER used the bathroom in the house. On my way home from the vet on Friday, he climbed into my lab and peed on me and all over the seat. Today I came home and found where he had pooped in the extra bedroom floor, which he seldom goes into. Was he traumatized at the vet? He has had a couple of surgeries and has never had a problem with visiting the vet before. HELP

Hi Myra,

He is extremely stressed out right now. He most likely held his urine as long as he could at the vet's and used you because he felt safe. The antibiotics also may be contributing to this behavior. With a wound on his head you need to limit his contact with the outside. I would suggest you get an open litter box and some type of scoopable litter. Set this up for him in a room where he can stay in. Keep him quiet in the room there. See what happens. He should start to use the litter box. He needs quiet and very little stress right now. Let me know if he keeps up this behavior. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen