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nursing care


our kittens arrived on 8/16/07, my question is regaurding our mother cats nipples. 2 of her nipples have red " rings" around the base, they look sore. is there anything i can do for her to make feeding more comfortable?

Hi Dawn,

Unfortunately the answer, as far as I know, is no.  You do however have to keep an eye out for mastitis, this would be hardness around the nipple, they also get red and hot.  If this is the case she needs to be seen by a vet, it is quite painful and can cause illness as well as a wound as it can almost literally 'explode' causing an open sore.   If it is just regular soreness you could put a body stocking (Your own tube sock) around the nipples that are the worst but then the nipples themselves would never toughen up (callous).  Any creams or things like that would not be good for the kittens and again would just prolong the process.  

Hope she is feeling better soon and good luck with your new babies.
