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heavy breathing


Question cat threw up tonight which is not unusual i guess, but it was much more than normal and it wasn't a hairball. However, right after that she lay down and started breathing very heavily with her mouth open and her tongue out, almost like a dog. She was also very lethargic. It lasted for a few minutes. Now she's just lying down and her breathing is somewhat back to normal.-thanks.

well it may have been caused by a hairball which is was not able to shift or it may just have been that the effort of vomiting made her out of breath.
However i do not like the sound of the fact you say she is sick quite often and this heavy breathing is certainly something which needs to be looked into. if i were you i would definitely consider taking her to see a vet for a check up. there could be all sorts of reasons for this vomiting. See here for some of them#


I hope is Ok again soon

best wishes Kate