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Stray cat pregnant? Injury advice.


Hi Teresa,

I have 4 cats and 2 dogs and I live in an area that has a lot of strays. I found one today and I just don't know what to make of this. I think it is a female, her skin at the stomach is hanging down like loose skin. She/he also has a open sore at the breastline. It is not infected at this time. I have applied topical antibiotics to this injury. I just brought him/her in about an hour ago. Do you think that she had kittens and is drying up. I can't seem to get milk from her nipples and they are not large so I am thinking that she had a litter and is drying up? Or is this cat sick? He/she weighs the right amount is eating fine, very friendly. I know dogs, mice, pigs, horses and gestation but not with cats. I am also not understanding this open wound. It is superficial but almost looks like someone took a scalpel to his/her breastbone. I cannot keep him/her because of overcrowding but am just trying to figure out the problem so I can place him/her appropriately. Any advice would be appreciated.



Hi Julie, I would imagine that this cat has had mastitis. It is an infection in the mammary glands and is common in cats that are run down and unable to fight back a general infection. She has probably had a litter and was nursing when the infection set in. It is very painful and most cats will stop nursing the kittens and will get quite ill. Once the infection or abscess bursts the cat will start to feel better and the infection can now clean itself. It actually sounds like this infection may have been lanced by a vet.. are you sure this cat doesn't have a home?? Usually when an abscess bursts naturally you get a volcano looking opening. when a vet lances it you will see an incision just like a knife cut and it cannot be sutured back up because the infection will build up under the skin again, so you will see an open looking wound that heals slowly. It is unlikely she is actively nursing kittens but you will find out in a couple of hours as she will swell up with milk within 4  hours of being away from kittens if she has been nursing a litter.
hope this helps ! Teresa