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Walking round in circles :)


My old cat is 17 years old. He doesn't do much but miaw. He walks around in circles alot too. When we feed him he eats a bit then walk round in a circle. He then conitnues this numerous times until he has eaten everything in his bowl. Please help us because we really love him and it is stressing us out.

well unfortunately it could be an old age issue. cats can suffer from a form of dementia too and unfortunately there is not much you can do about it apart from keep a closer look out for them. Please see this page on my site for more on these sorts of issues


All you can really do is to give him a health check with your vet so that you can rule out any possible physical cause for this turning around and if he gets the all clear just have to accept that this is the way he is now.

The vet may suggest that if he is doing this because he is anxious then their are some medications which can help to calm the cat down a little. your vet will be able to advise on this.

best wishes Kate