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CRF cat wetting while sleep?


My 8yr old cat Abba, was diagnosed about 2 weeks ago, she is not critical yet, her numbers are 78 and 4.5. I've been giving her the sub-Q fluids and my question is about this. I have observed that after getting it, when she lays down sometimes I see a quater size spot, on the rug, chair, wherever she was. I was convinced that some fluid might had come out and didn't worry. She uses the litter box as usual, she is still very active and playful. Then, last night she went to sleep on my lap (after the fluid session), she didn't move for sometime and all of the sudden I felt something wet, I moved her out and there was a big spot, like a grapefruit size. It was right under the middle of her body, so for sure I can not tell what it was. I find hard to believe that a cat would urinate and remain on the spot, she is not that sick yet, but could so much fluid come out? I'm all confused.  

Hi Maria,
If you are giving extra fluids, then yes it is possible.  You really need to call your Vet, though, because they will know more about the situation as I don't even know why she is on fluids.  Any Vet should be more than happy to answer any questions.
God Bless,