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kitten nurses on male cat


i recently adopted a kitten about 1 and a half month old
and its just strange that she nurses on my 2 year old male cat, and my male cat doesn't seem to mind it at all. What does this mean, do male cats have milk? is this bad for my male cat, the kitten nursing on him?


It's perfectly normal for 6 week old kittens to still be nursing - their mothers usually haven't weaned them by that age because they aren't ready to be away from their mom and siblings and they still need the antibodies in mom's milk to protect them from illness. I see no problem with the kitten nursing on your male cat, he may actually produce milk in response to the nursing but it won't cause either cat any harm. Your male cat has simply taken over caring for this kitten and he will mother her and teach her how to be a cat. This isn't uncommon, especially if the cat is neutered and there are no ill effects from such situations. At this point in time the male cat is probably acting as a security blanket for your kitten who was unfortunately removed from her mother prematurely.

In future I'd recommend that you adopt a weaned kitten, I usually suggest that kittens stay with their mother and siblings for a minimum of 10-12 weeks as these first weeks are very important in terms of socialization, nursing and weaning and of course learning how to be a cat and important skills that go along with that such as bite inhibition. Unlike dogs mother cats don't need human help to wean their babies, they generally do so in the first 12 weeks of a kitten's life sometimes earlier, sometimes later depending on the size of the litter, the temperament of the queen and whether or not there are adequate resources in terms of food.