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i was wondering can there be blod in stool from a cat in heat? i have 4 cats 1 male fixed,3 female,one goes in heat at least once a month or so,i have watched them all go to bathroom except the one who goes in heat,and i saw a bloody stool,none of the other cats have blood,its nice and firm looking,so im guessing its her ,what is your input?

Hi Wendy,

Bloody stools is not an uncommon problem for cats. It could be for a number of reasons. She could have worms. You should take a sample to be checked. One of the most common reasons for the blood is hard stools. This could be the case. If the blood comes up only once in a while then this is most likely the cause. You can do one of two things. You can ignore it, it's not doing any harm. Or you can change her food. Give her a type of easier digestible food. I hope this helped. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen