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my mounth kitten


our four mouth kitten is in heat should we let her mate  

Hi Kimberly,

Definitely do not let a four-month-old kitten mate.  Physically, she is similar to a 9-year-old girl.  She is very unready to carry a litter of kittens, and doing so would be dangerous to her health.  Should she manage to carry the litter to full term, trying to deliver them may kill her.

At four months, your kitten is old enough to be spayed.  This is a surgery that will remove the uterus and ovaries so that she will stop going into heat.  She will be unable to become pregnant.  This has other benefits, such as eliminating the chances of ovarian and uterine cancer, nearly eliminating the chances of deadly uterine infections and greatly reducing the chances of mammary cancer if performed before the third heat.

If you choose not to spay your cat, it's important that she be at least 9 months before she is bred.  It's also important that males she is bred to be health screened.  She can contract deadly viruses such as the feline leukemia and feline AIDS viruses through bites that occur during the mating process.  These diseases are common among unneutered males that roam the streets.

Good luck!
