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cat urine effects on newborns health


my wifes cat will not pee in litter box it has been like this for many years she has tried everything now that im living with and we are expecting a baby girl i will not tolerate it anymore. we just took it to the vet and he is out of ideas. my question is this what in DETAIL are the effects of a lot of cat urine all over on my baby girls heatlth?  and we also found the baby has a small hole in her heart. the baby is due in may 2010.

worried father


I cannot imagine the cat urine is a health issue to the baby girl.  It would be very difficult to cure your cat of this problem as it has been going on for way too long. Cat urine is best cleaned up with an enzyme based product specifically for pet stains and pet odors (available from most pet supermarkets or farm stores). I would not let the baby near the stuff while you are cleaning.

Where does your cat pee?  Is it all over furniture, the floors, one spot?

Best regards... Norm.