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Best Suited for outdoors?


Carol, in your opinion, what breed is best suitable for being outdoors? The cat will have freedom to come and go as it pleases in the utility room and outside.  What are your experiences?  Thanks for your information!!

Hi Corbin!

Thanks for your question.  My answer would be a mixed breed or mixed parentage type cat. A purebred cat, in my opinion, is bred with breeding in mind and not 'street smarts'. The more mixed breeding the cat has, the tougher and wiser it is. And their constitution is not so delicate.

I've always had mixed breed/alley-cat types and they have always been indoor-outdoor cats with no problems.

But be careful about the ability to go in and out in the utiity room because everything else (other cats, skunks, etc.) will be able to go in and out too.

Make sure you keep the cat in for about two weeks first and let it look out the window to get used to the sites, noises and smells of the outside so the first time the cat goes out he won't panic and get lost.

If it's just pedigreed cats you are asking about, you also might want to ask this question of one of the experts that breed and show pedigree cats and find out what their opinion is...though most of them do not believe in letting cats outside.
