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my cat!


QUESTION: I recently e-mailed a question to you about my cat and her mouth. I am off to the vets tomorrow to renew her contract and will not be taking the cat with me. She has no longer got a nasty smell in her mouth and is still eating and drinking as normal. However, after eating she is pawing at her mouth. The thing that worries me is that she is not a friendly cat and will have to be sedated to be looked at and she is 15 years old. I know this may sound trivial but i am worried about her not waking up.

Good to hear that the smell has gone now hopefully that is a sign that whatever it was is getting better.

as for your concerns re the sedation. Your best bet is to telephone your vet and tell him your concerns, he may be able to offer an alternative less powerful method of sedation. It is always worth asking, after all you are the customer. Don't feel silly about your worries, they are perfectly normal. Your vet should be able to help you with your concerns.

best wishes kate

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I e-mailed you for advice about my cat Fabian. This is just a follow up e-mail to let you know that unfortunately Fabian had to be put to sleep on the 28th. I took her into the vets regarding her mouth problem, they kept her in to sedate her to have a good look and they found that she had a large tumour under her tongue They did say that they could try steriods and antibiotics but given her age and how nasty the tumour was the kindest thing would be to put her to sleep. Although this was one of the hardest decisions I have had to make I thought it was for the best. It has broken mine and my daughters heart not having her around but I know it would have got worse for her and I could not bear to see her suffer. Also wanted to say thank you for your advice.

I am so sorry for your loss. i did suspect that there might be something like this wrong but I never like to say it out right as i could be wrong and i don't want to cause unnecessary upset.

You absolutely did the right thing for your friend. I know it is hard and i had to make the same decision myself last year. Your pain will subside and be replaced with happy memories of Fabian and you will have the knowledge that her suffering was prevented by your love for her.

best wishes Kate