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I have a 10 year old cat who seems to be dehydrated. I did the skin pinch test and her skin did not return back to its normal state. she has a hard time getting up and she cant walk further than a foot or so. She wobbles and then falls over. Her eyes have sunk in to her head but she still keeps her eyes open. She is naturally a small cat, but she is now only 3lbs.
Yesterday she came out from under our Christmas tree and vomited on the floor. In the past years she has always liked to chew on the tree, but has never been sick from it.
we have been force feeding her with a syringe using electrolyte fluid for infants. now she has started to twitch.
we dont have very much money so we would like to take care of her at home before we have to take her to the vet. What else can we do to help her get better?

Thank You.

Hi Jenny,

You need to get your cat to the vet immediately. This sounds like a life threatening condition that can't be treated at home. She sounds like she has an underlying medical condition that brought her to this stage. Have her seen immediately. I hope she will be better. Good luck.
