Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cats > Food?



I am a senior in high school, and I'm doing my senior project on healthy food for dogs, and other pets with paws... :D. But my question for my project is... Do you by chance know any ingredients in dog treats, food, or other things that they may eat, that can be put into food that can be healthy for the dog/pet?

Hello Andrea,

The very best website to find this exact information is PetMeds!

They carry specific items to put in the animals food to keep them healthy.  Such as, for the older animals joint health and other items.  

The items can be found either by the animal category (Cats or Dogs), or on their left side bar under Health.  You may have to do some reading but (though I don't work for them!), I recommend this site to help you learn what is available.  

The best of luck on your great project!
