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cat scratching alot and biting of body


I have a four year old calico who has been doing alot of scratching and now has been biting the back side of her back legs and has caused some of the hair to come off. can you tell me why she is doing this? She is strictly an indoor cat and i have not seen any kind of bugs, etc. on her. thanks

Hi Judy!
She either has fleas, or an allergy to something. Buy a flea comb, they are cheap and have very fine teeth. When you comb your cat with one, it will catch any fleas.Be sure to comb around the mouth, under the chin and near the anal area. This is where fleas like to be! They will hide and sometimes are not visible. If not fleas, then there may be something in your home that your cat is allergic to. It could be food, carpet , almost anything. That will be harder to pinpoint.  Just because she is an indoor cat, that doesn't mean she may not have fleas as they can come in on your clothing or through your door.  If you have a dog that goes in and out, the dog could carry them in.  I would check for fleas as what you are describing sounds like fleas.  
God Bless,