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Can birds and cats live together?


I have a 16 year old Cockatiel and I was thinking about getting a cat.  My bird is a bit frantic with large movements; he has been the only pet for a very long time.  I was wondering if it is possible for a bird and a cat to live together.  Also, what type of cat will not have high instinctive for hunting (natural predator/pray)?  


Generally, this is a recipe for disaster.

The most laid back cat is the Persian.  Also, physically, these cats do not, usually, tend to jump to high places.  Cats are always tempted by movement.  So when the bird moves, the cat tends to want to see what is going on. The Persians seem to be the least interested in hunting.

Having said this, every individual cat is different.  I have seen Persians who are alert and extremely active.  There is no guarantee that the cat you get will not be interested in the bird for a quick meal!

I would err on the side of caution for your cockatiel's sake.

Best regards... Norm.