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introducing a tiny kitten


I have a 10-month old neutered male cat. I have just brought home an abandoned kitten (approx. 3 weeks old). I have tried to allow them to get acqauinted without intervening but stop my tom when he picks her up by the scruff of her neck and throws her around as am worried he will do some serious damage. Please advise if I am correct in doing so. Thank you.


Wow, 3 weeks is awfully young.  I would be very careful of the tom as he may not realize that it is a kitten and not prey!!!!!  I would isolate the kitten for a couple of more weeks until it has more where with all  to deal with the tom.  Usually kittens are just being weaned about now and are not ready to face the world until 6-8 weeks of age.

Yes, the tom could inadvertently hurt the kitten.

Best regards... Norm.