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Abandoned Cat and my cat


How can you tell if a female cat has been fixed? Neighbor left cat, and I need to find out if she's been fixed but don't know what to look for?

Also my male cat was fixed over a month ago but still acts like he isn't fixed, he trysto/or does spray things and he humps my stuffed animals, how do I get him to stop that esspecially the spraying?

as far as i know there is no outward signs of whether a female cat has been spayed or not apart from the fact that she won't come into heat (see my web page about signs of this etc. here /cat-in-heat.html). whether or not a vet can do an examination to tell I'm not sure.

As for your male cat. well it can take some time for the hormone levels in his blood stream to drop and until this happens he will still display normal tom behaviors such as spraying etc. Howlong this could take is down to the individual cat but i would think that after a couple of months things should settle down.

Best wishes