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Kitten with eye problem


Hello, I actually have 2 questions.
1.  My kittens are 3 weeks old now.  Yesterday, I noticed that one eye was completely shut on one of the kittens.  I checked him this morning, and it is now halfway open and goopy.  I've noticed the kittens are starting to play with each other a little bit and I was thinking that one of them may have gotten him in the eye with their claws.  Would his eye get goopy if this is what happened?  Is it OK if I just keep any eye on it another day or 2 before taking him to the vet if it doesn't get better?
2.  I have also noticed that they are making scratching motions with their back legs.  I have not seen any fleas and the mommy does not have fleas.  My cats are all indoor only cats.  Is this a normal reflex action or is it possible that they have fleas and I cannot see them?

Hi Thanks for the good questions ! When a kitten gets a mucky eye it is usually because of an infection in the eye. This will usually spread to all the kittens and it is VERY common. It really does need to be treated. Of course a vet is the best person to advise you on this but until you can get to a vet you must keep that eye open and clean. When it is sealed with the "goop" inside that "goop" is actually damaging the kittens eye. So the longer it is closed or the more often it has goop affects how much damage will be done. Keep the eye clean by washing it with a clean wet towel or cotton and then dispose of the cotton before you touch the other eye or any of the other kittens.
They may be making scratching motions with their backlegs as just part of their play activities developing. If you do not see fleas on any of the kittens and all your cats are indoor cats the chance of you having fleas is slim. If they continue this scratching for a week or more, or if they are actually reddening the skin by the scratching you should get them checked. But I imagine at this age they are just developing their coordination and wanting to play.