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End Behaviors


Our cat is home from hospital for the weekend in the hope that having been stabilized she will cheer up and recover. She has moved a little, from one lie down spot to another. She chooses spots where she can directly face the arm of the sofa, chair or wall. This is to say that she turns her back to us and has her face as close to the surface as she can. I am reading this as a sort of meditative position and as body language that is saying, "I want to be alone." and "I do not want to be here anymore. I am unhappy." Do you agree?

Thank you.


You never told me why your cat was in the hospital, to begin with and how long she was there.

However. if she had surgery or a long confinement, she is probably doing O.K., but still in some pain and not feeling like doing much.

Is she eating?  Is she using the litter pan correctly?

I expect she is convalescing and wants to stay warm and does not want a lot of human contact and petting until she feels better.

I do not interpret her beahvior as unhapiness as much as general discomfort.

I would think that, if she is eating, drinking and has good litter pan habits, she is happy, just not quite up to snuff yet.

Best regards... Norm.