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Cat hair and weird behavior


1st question is my cat is about 6yrs old, completely healthy per past vets, but she sheds like crazy. I've tried different kinds of foods, combing, everything I can think of, and she still sheds like crazy. All year long. Any suggestions of what else I could do? 2nd question is she does really weird things, like brings sticks in the house and just drops them in front of me and then meows, then walks back outside, picks up another stick, brings it in, drops it, meows then goes back out gets another stick, and so on. What is she doing??

Congratulations! You have a very strange little kitty. In all seriousness, as for the shedding, some cats simply lose more hair, more of the time, than other cats.

For instance, my domestic shorthair, Mina, sheds constantly. All day, any time you pet her, no matter how long your brush her, what you feed her, or how often she gets bathed. It's perfectly normal, if a little bit annoying. (My Mina is white. A great deal of my wardrobe... is not.) However, I have a Siamese, Io, who has not shed a single coat in 9 months. Both ends of the spectrum are normal, Bethany.

As for the strange behavior, she just wants you to see what she's found for you! I had a Persian who would leave flies piled up on my kitchen table for me. My Mina likes to fetch crumpled paper balls and a certain noisy toy. Io will pick up, and pile up, all little bits of plastic in the house for me to clean up later. And our Tom, Kyo, talks back when you talk to him. All cats have these little idiosyncrasies! Find a way to make hers fun.

Hope that makes somethings a bit clearer! If there's anything else you'd like to ask, be sure to let me know!