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my burmese is jealous


HI Norman,
My 6 yr old female de-sexed burmese has been re-homed to me from a breeder and has settled in extremely well. My cat and i live by ourselves and have developed a strong bond. The only problem is that although she is happy to have cuddels and play time with my boy friend she is unhappy and will not settle when we go to bed. I have resorted to sleeping in the kounge room with her by myself as it is the only way she will settle (if it is just her and i). Please help with any suggestions of how i can help her settle at night time when my boyfriend is here,
Jess (australia)


You probably won't like this answer (most people do not).  However, I cannot give you an easy fix, given the nature of cats.

Your cat has learned how to manipulate your behavior when your boy friend is there.  You just have to ignore her penchant to not settle down (although you have not explained what you mean by not settled down).

At bed time, I would not let her decide where you will sleep and ignore any behaviors she might employ to manipulate your behavior.  Cats are nothing, if not persistent, but you can grit your teeth and tough it out if you want to get her to settle down eventually (it may take a number of weeks, or even months).

Best regards... Norm.