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Birth & Pregenancy Related


We noticed a  couple of weeks ago that our 2 or 3 year old cat was pregenat.  We got home from work and found our cat to be crying like crazy.  We saw blood a mucus all over not a large amount but a noticable amount, we then saw what looked to be a poop, but it was bloody and had paws (no distinguishable parts). She is still fat, could she still be pregenant ? Could she still have the rest of the babies? What should we do??? (other than take her to the vet) Thanks for your help.

Hi Matt and Kim,

How long has she been pregnant? She could have had a miscarriage. Feel her belly. If it feels sorta hard then there are still kits in there. You need to keep an eye on her. I would strongly suggest that you have her checked out by a vet. Good luck and get back to me.

Ciao, Karen