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4 month old kitten/Strange vomiting


Hi, we got a new kitten about a month ago and a couple weeks ago I noticed weird tubular shaped vomit on the bathroom floor.  He seemed fine so I thought it was an isolated incident.  Tonight he vomited twice, each time in long tubular shapes.  I have a 3 year old cat that does the vomiting thing occasionally but it is always a puddle.  Is this unusual? Is it more serious? He is still eating, drinking, and going to the bathroom, but he seems tired. He still plays when provoked but lays or sleeps when left alone. Thanks in advance.

Well, it sounds to me like your kitten may have parasitic worms, or may just be a lazy little kitty who eats far too fast.

Here are a few tell tale symptoms of round and tape worms.

-A rounded, distended belly.
-Extreme appetite, but no weight gain.
-Skittish behavior.

Watch especially for the rounded belly, that is the biggest sign.

Other than that, I would suggest having your kitten eat from a plate rather than a bowl to force him to eat slower. Also, make sure he is being brushed twice daily.

It sounds to me like your kitten is just fine, my tom cat vomits that same way, and its usually a mixture of hair and food. He eats too fast, too.

Hope this all helps!