Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cats > Boo.



I have two cats. They are brothers. One is Salem, and the other is Boo. They are both extremely playful, but a couple of days ago, I noticed that Boo wasn't running around with Salem anymore. Just seemed to want to nap all the time, and every time he would come sit on my lap, it would VERY quickly get hot, so I assume a fever. My heart brakes every time he looks at me with his sad green eyes and gives me a mournful meow. I just want him to be his old self again. What can i do?

Hi Moira,

He needs to go to the vet. Any sudden changes in behavior usually means that you cat is not feeling himself. It could be something as minor as a cold. Or it could be something more serious. Your vet will be able to tell.
Let me know what he said. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen