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cat being sick


I am worried about my male cat he is just 1yr and although he seems his normal self he keeps being sick shortly after it has eaten. I did get some syrup for fur balls just in case I also left it without food for one day. I gave him food again 2day plus the syrup and he was sick again. As I said he seems so healthy and happy as he always is. I have stopped his food again this evening but he is hungry. can you give me any idea of what could be wrong. Thankyou.

Hi Katy,

Is is urinating and defecating? If so that eliminates one problem. Is he drinking?  Have you changed his food? This can cause throwing up. He may have a sore throat. This can also cause problems. There are so may other things that can be wrong. You really need to take him to a vet. He should be checked out. Good luck and let me know what the vet said.

Ciao, Karen