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post delivery cat behavior


Hi, Our cat is 14 months old and had 3 kittens 6 weeks ago. She has been a very attentive mother and she has had no problems. Yesterday she began moaning/humming a  a lot and raising her bottom. She seems to have bouts of pain and when she is still she keeps her legs under her and her bottom up. When we touch her anywhere in the vicinity of her back end she starts moving her legs very quickly back and forth. I am not sure if any of this makes sense, my 7 year old said the he saw something dark and long coming out of her but then it went back in. She is  uncomfortable and I am not sure what to do to help her.
Thank You,
Michelle Ruiz


It sounds to me as if your cat is in season.  Often when a queen has had kittens, she will come into a "lactation" heat when they are 4-6 weeks of age.

No pain, no problem.  However, you do not want to let her breed as mshe can conceive and have kittens in a little over 2 months.  Her body will not have recovered from nursing the first litter when she would be ready to give birth.

I am not sure what your 7 year old saw, but I would not worry too much about things.  However, if you are concerned, you can always take her to your vet.

Best regards... Norm.