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odd birthing


hi i have about 11 cats some of them wild that come fpr feeding, one such cat has been coming for 2 years and has become quite freindly, she is femaile, i have all my females on the pill, but with her being semi-wild she often goes off for serveral weeks at a time. The upshot of this is she is now pregnant, but i have no idea how far along she is, yesterday she went into labout, i thought, she birthed a kitten but it was still born, she has more and i think i can feel them moving but she is not birthing them, no pushing at all, she is not in distress and is eating, drinking, toileting normailly, she is a seasoned mother, i have known her to hae litters before though never in the house, i have witnessed birthing before but have never seen this, at what point should i be concerned, and consider taking her to a vet, as a semi-wild i think this would be distressing for her and dangerous for me and vet

Hi Angie, This is a tough one! When a cat has a kitten the very longest between the first and the second one is 12 hours.  If you are pretty sure that you are feeling movement and that this still born kitten was NOT the only one, then I think it is going to be worth the risk to get her to the vet. If she is not contracting and those kittens are just sitting in there in distress then she is going to be in bad shape fairly soon. Perhaps the vet can even spay her when he sees her. They don't like to spay when the uterus is all swollen but in her case it might be worth the risk to prevent any more kittens coming along or any more birthing problems in the future.Your vet may be able to give you something to calm her that you can put in some food for her so it would be easier to handle her and get her to the vet.
Good Luck, Teresa