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I Think There is Something wrong With My Cat!


My cat, precious, has been acting weird lately! She has been eating a lot and when she eats she wants to get peted right after she has a couple of peices of food! Later after she eats she tries to cough up something but nothing comes up! I am really worried about her! If you can help me that would be the best! Oh yeah she eats Iams Cat food! If that's any help, but she did start eating that after it happened! Well Thank you!!!



Poor Precious! It sounds like something is definitely wrong and she is coming to you after she eats a couple of bites because it hurts.  She may have something caught somewhere, or an obstruction. She needs a physical exam to pinpoint the problem which I can't help you with. Please take her to the vet.

Hopefully is something simple and not serious. Keep me posted.

