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Growling show cat


Dear Norm:  Thanks for your rapid response about my show cat who growls at shows. Yes he is good about being bathed and dried in preparation for a show -- it's the show itself that does him in.  I was disappointed a bit by your answer as I thought there must be some behavioral techniques I could try to break him of his aggression at shows and yet you essentially suggested the matter is hopeless. Would taking him to pet stores where there are other people help? Thanks once again for your willingness to try to help.


He needs more chaos at home, a loud radio blaring, for example.

You can investigate clicker training (see Karen Pryor's web site  It is a behavior modification technique, but whether or not it will work in this situation I cannot tell you.

Most times, it is pretty difficult to break a cat of aggressive behavior in the show hall.

Best regards... Norm.