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integrating a new cat


We have had mabel for 6 months, who is 9-10 yrs old and wouldnt hurt a fly. However, recently we have bought a 2 year old male cat who also wont hurt a fly Been here about a week), but, mabel seems to go for him. Everything has been ok until tonight when she attacked him (no blood but cat went for him) Our Male cat did not attack, only her.Is this normal?
Will they ever get on?
Many thanks

Hi David.  I'm not certain why she would attack so suddenly after having been okay with him for a week, but most adult cats do take about 2-3 weeks to be tolerant of one another.  I'm not certain if both are neutered, but this makes a big difference, too.  Two neutered cats will be less territorial and, therefore, more amicable than a pair who aren't (except during heat!).

Generally when one cat has an explosive tantrum, it's best to separate that cat into one room for a day or two and let them relax.  These episodes are often fueled by stress or anxiety, and if they can just be removed from the source of the stress for a day or two, they usually recover without any further help.

On the other hand, it could be a problem with the introduction of the two cats.  Had you separated the cats at first?  Or were they able to mingle right away?  Cats are introduced most successfully when done so slowly.  It's best to keep the new cat in one room and not allow him any direct contact with household pets for the first day or two.  Pets can get used to one another by swapping areas and sniffing each other out that way, or seeing each other through crates, etc.  Then, start with short visits.  They can handle small doses of one another, but daylong bouts can be overwhelming.  In a couple of weeks, you have cats that have become desensitized to one another, so a sudden feeling of anxiety about the situation leading to aggression is less likely.  

If you hadn't introduced them slowly, it might be best to separate one of them into a bedroom for a while, maybe, and then switch.  Each will get plenty of time away from the other, and each will get plenty of time with the family, and they will also get some time together to get used to each other.

I also recommend a product called Feliway.  I use the plug-in diffuser at all times in my home.  When I don't, my cats start to get very snippy with each other.  It's great to use for introductions and excellent for use all the time in a multi-cat household.  You can learn more at and buy it online, at pet stores and at some vet offices.