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cat licking hair off


I have 2 cats and 1 of them licks her hair off to the point of seeing her skin, she
doesn't have sores or bleeds and she only does it on certain parts of her body.  I
have not changed soap or blankets or anything like that.  She is a very high
energy cat and sometimes I think she's just bored.  Any advise for me Ali?


The first recommendation that I have is to take the kitty who is licking her fur off to the vet for a thorough check up including blood and urine tests. Sometimes licking fur off can be related to a thyroid problem. It is also possible that your kitty has allergies. The difference with cats and people who have allergies is that while people often sneeze or get rashes cats tend to lick their fur off because they are itchy. The last cause that I am aware of in terms of cats licking their fur off is psychological. Some cats will lick their fur off to alleviate anxiety, some will do it to alleviate boredom, in some cases it is kind of an obsession. Ultimately your vet will be the only person who can tell you what the likely cause is and how to proceed in terms of treatment. The sooner that your kitty sees the vet and gets a diagnosis the more quickly she can be on the road to recovery. Hopefully your kitty will get better soon and have a full fur coat. I hope that I was able to offer some helpful information. Please keep me posted and let me know how things turn out. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me again.