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excessive grooming - sores on belly


My daughter has a cat who excessively grooms and has developed sores on his belly.  He has separation anxiety.  Meds have been tried, vet special foods.  Vet doesn't know what to do.
Have you ever dealt with this?  Would switching to Wellness or Nature's Variety foods help?  Could it be a grain allergy?

Hi Jan,

Sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you. Allergies can cause the problem you are having. The number one type of allergy that does this is a flea allergy. Now before you say no about this, you have to know that cats are really good at getting rid of fleas on them. But that doesn't mean they don't have them. Try treating her with Frontline or Advantage for a month and see how she is. If she gets better then this is what it is.

A grain free food is an excellent choice for your cat to be fed anyway. It helps prevent a lot of problems later on. Both of those foods listed are great.Make the change over gradually to prevent any tummy upset.

You can try using Feliway Comfort Zone. This mimics a cats happy pheromones. This might help her with separation anxiety. You also could get her another cat to keep her company. Two cat households are always happier households. If all else fails write back and I'll tell you of a drug that works wonders calming cats down. But that is really a last resort. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen