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cats food


we have adopted a cat 3 weeks ago she was very week we served her milk from the bottle she drank it well but she is not growing (height or weight) she never had her mother's milk moreover she walks by bending her paws like they have fractured from 2-3days. what to do now?


I am sorry I did not get back to you sooner.

Have you had the kitten to a veterinarian?  This would be the first order of business to get the paws looked at, get the kitten rehydrated and get a good recommendation as to kitten food.  Milk is not what the kitten needs!!!!!!!

At 3 weeks, the kitten can be weaned and start to eat regular kitten food.  If you need weaning instructions, please get back to me, and I will give you a suggestion.

Please let me know how the kitten is doing.

Best regards... Norm.