Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cats > Hairballs?



I have an Aby, and she often (usually late at night or early in the morning) starts a behavior that looks like she has a hairball (low crouch, deep hacking sort of sound), but nothing comes of it.  Sometimes this leads to vomiting episodes.  I don't know if she is just having a problem with excessive hair (I try to groom her everyday) or if maybe she is somehow eating something she shouldn't be?  Sometimes I notice her eating pieces of fluff off of the bathroom floor mats and things.  I don't know if you have ever seen something like this before?


I would take your Aby to your vet and have them take a look.  Often when you get that kind of dry heaves with a cat, it could be a sign of bordatella (yes, cats do contract bordatella).  It may be nothing, but I would have it checked out.

If the cat is eating and drinking and pooping normally, there is probably not an issue, but I would have your Aby checked out to be sure.  This dry hacking beahvior is not normal.

Best regards... Norm.