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monster mole on my cats face


My cat Sassy has a huge, huge mole on her face. This is not a pimple. I mean a big, black about the size of a small marble.
It doesn't seem to bother her but I'm wondering if it is going to get any bigger. If it does, her face is going to get lopsided. Could it be cancer? Please let me know, Thank you.

Hi Shannon,

Cats don't usually get moles, they can get acne on their chin but this doesn't sound like what you're talking about.  Is Sassy older?  If so she would be more prone to something like a tumor, but don't worry just yet, tumors can be benign (not cancer) too.  You should get her to the vet so he/she can look at it and probably do a biopsy, especially as its getting bigger.  It doesn't sound like something that's going to go away on its own.