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I think my cat might be pregnant..


So, I went out of town for the holiday and left my girl cat, Jak, with one of my friends. She said that Jak went into heat while she was there and someone had let her out and a day later she was fine. My friend said that she thinks that she is pregnant, she's been VERY affectionate and has been allowing me to rub her tummy, but before that was out of the question with her. I checked her nipples but I wasn't quite sure what I was looking for.. She went into heat about a week and a half to two weeks ago.. I'm not quite sure, I wasn't there. So if you could tell me what to look for that would be great! Thank you!

Hi Kathryn, Well odds are she IS pregnant. A cat that gets out when she is in heat is 99% of the time bred and pregnant.
Being overly affectionate is one sign of pregnancy. Another sign is that she may be vomiting more often than normal and eating more. When she is about 3 weeks along her nipples will be a pinkish color and you can feel them when you pick her up and rub her tummy because they are sticking out a bit. I would prepare for a litter.. I think you are going to be a cat grandma ! Teresa